I'm just sayin...it is NOT enough!

I wonder how many people are expecting the protests to end now that the four officers who were involved in the killing of #georgefloyd have been arrested and charged? If so, it just goes to show how blind they are, like Drew Brees, to the root issue that has ignited all of this. While these four have been charged, there is still the issue of systemic racism, racial bias, police brutality, neglect, #breonnataylor, #trayvonmartin, #sandrabland, #tamirrice, the impact of #covid19 on the Black and Brown community, and the list goes on and on.

The killing of #georgefloyd is just one piece of the puzzle. There is still #ahmaudarbery and the systems that allowed his killers to walk about free FOR MONTHS without any repercussions. There is still the issue of Christian bible thumpers who have appropriated the life and message of Jesus and MLK and countless others to chastise, criticize, and dehumanize generations of people — “the least of these” — in the name of faith, religion, and respectability.

The protests that have erupted across this globe is connected to truth, truth that the powerful elite and the powers that be do not want to be spoken or known because they fear what it would mean for their pockets and access and control. Simply arresting and charging the FOUR is not enough, when countless other police officers, government officials, military personnel, etc, continue to use excessive force and hide behind their badges in the name of law and order.

It is not enough when those that “mean well,” continue to export racism knowingly and unknowingly, and follow their actions up with, “I don’t have a racist bone in my body,” after falsely calling the police and weaponizing one’s blackness against them. It is not enough when Karen and Tom attempt to crack their whip of privilege to police and exclude the young Black and Brown and LGBTQ and seemingly poor individuals they think don’t belong and perform as if they have the grand authority to speak and we listen.

It simply is not enough. This is just the tip of the iceberg. What about those who took the lives of #breonnataylor and #sandrabland and what happened to #tonymcdade and #iyannadior as people marched for #georgefloyd. It is simply not enough when the one they call the 45th President of the United States has law officials attack innocent and peaceful protestors so that he can stage a photo opp, and for what, and police continue to use excessive and unnecessary force as local, national, and international cameras capture their actions, the protest must and still continue.

Something has to change, but not just something. The hearts and character of the majority have to change. The heart and soul of this country has to change. The presence of intergenerational and intercultural exclusion HAS to change. This moment cannot be symbolic like moments have been before. This moment has to be a movement and there have to be explicit and tangible adjustments made.

If not, keep marching, keep protesting, keep filming!